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Ian Heffernan - Civil Engineers in Arklow, County Wicklow

Planning Applications

Submissions of Planning Applications

Details of the documents to be submitted with a planning application are contained in this document.

What documents should be submitted?

The documents needed with your application will depend on the type of development. They will need to show, clearly and in sufficient detail, your development proposals, what the development will look like when finished, how it will relate to the site and to adjoining structures and property etc. If you are installing a septic tank, you may need to submit trial hole and percolation test results. If you are applying for certain types of agricultural development, you may need to submit signed agreements with landowners regarding effluent spreading. The planning authority can clarify the documents and detail needed.

In general, however, you must always submit the following:

  • the page of the newspaper showing the newspaper notice.
  • a copy of the site notice erected.
  • 6 copies of the location map (at a scale of not less than 1:1000 in a built-up area and not less than 1:2500 in all other areas).
  • a plan showing the position on the land of the site notice.
  • 6 copies of a site or layout plan (at a scale of not less than 1:500).

What should a location map show?

A location map must show:

  • The land concerned and location of proposed structures, with the site boundary clearly shown in red.
  • Other land in the vicinity of the proposed development and which is in the ownership of the applicant or landowner outlined in blue and wayleaves outlined in yellow.
  • The ordnance survey sheet number of the map.
  • The north point and scale of the map.
  • The name and address of the person by whom it was prepared.

Site/layout plans

A site or layout plan must show:

  • The site boundary in red.
  • Existing buildings, roads, boundaries, septic tanks and percolation areas, bored wells, significant tree stands and other features, on adjoining or in the vicinity of land or structure (to a scale of not less than 1:500).
  • The levels or contours, where applicable, of the land and of the proposed structure.
  • The Ordnance Survey sheet number, if applicable.
  • The north point and scale of the map.
  • The name and address of the person by whom it was prepared.

Other Plans and Drawings

Other plans and drawings must comply with the following:

  • Plans, elevations and sections must be drawn to a scale of not less than 1:200 (or another scale agreed with the planning authority).
  • Drawings or elevations of any proposed structure must show the main features of the buildings adjoining the proposed structure at a scale of not less than 1:200.
  • Proposals for reconstruction, alteration or extension must be clearly marked to distinguish them from existing structures.
  • Floor plans, elevations and sections of proposed structures, must give in figures the principal dimensions (including overall height).
  • The north point and scale of the maps should be shown.
  • The ordnance survey sheet number, if applicable should be shown.
  • The name and address of the person who prepared the plans and drawings should be provided.

Public Notice

You must give public notice of your proposals not more than 2 weeks prior to making an application. This must be done by:

  • publishing a notice in a locally circulated newspaper (the planning authority will provide you with a list of approved newspapers for this purpose).
  • and by erecting a site notice, which must be on durable, weatherproofed material. It must be in a conspicuous position on the land or structure, so as not to be obscured at any time. Where there is more than one entrance to the site further site notices will be required. A site notice must be A4 size, printed in indelible ink on a white background for a first notice. If you apply for permission for a subsequent development on the same site within 6 months of the first application, the site notice must be in yellow.